
  • Note 1: War Camps and settlements ignore all terrain effects. Movement costs and effects still apply to war camps.
  • Note 2: Effects that double a unit’s upkeep cost get applied last, after any increase or decrease gold costs.
  • Note 3: Terrain movement costs can never exceed 3.
  • Note 4: Unless stated otherwise, wild units can only be deployed onto their listed wild terrain.


Movement Costs: Land (1), Mount (1), Aquatic (3).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Little Anarchists, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Beast Master, Desiccated Vishap, Firesworn Highlander, Quisling Cockatrice.
Attacking Into: None.
Attacking From: None.
Upkeep: Double the occupying unit's upkeep cost.
End of Turn: Occupying unit takes 1 fire damage.
Special: Occupying unit gains ice and magic resistance, and fire vulnerability.

Terrain Design: The Desert terrain is designed to penalize occupying units with increased upkeep costs, due to its harsh environmental living conditions. These lands are devoid of mana, which results in granting occupying units resistance to incoming magic damage. Being such a dry and hot landscape, incoming ice damage is likewise weakened. However, occupants will receive incoming fire damage when ending their turn on this harsh terrain. Fire damage dealt to occupants is further enhanced by this terrain's penalizing fire vulnerability. It is best keep your units out of the deserts, unless you control a vindictive Desiccated Vishap that wishes them to march until their death.


Movement Costs: Land (1), Mount (2), Aquatic (2).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Children of the Night, Evasive Vegemen, Runic Protectors, Vermin Bombers, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Beast Master, Fruitful Sycomore, Pollinating Lyris, Quisling Cockatrice, Tamed Moonwalker.
Attacking Into: Unit ranged attacks gain -1 APT vs occupying units.
Attacking From: Unit melee attacks gain +1 APT vs units.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: Occupying Plant units heal 2 HP, or restock 2 squad members.
Special: Occupying unit gains thunder resistance.

Terrain Design: The Forest terrain is designed to provide units with defensive cover against ranged attacks, and an offensive bonus to melee attacking units due to the forest's protective treetops and concealing flora. The tall and thickly rooted trees also grant occupying units resistance to thunder damage. The numerous forests of Kefier are mana-rich, and promote regenerative properties to any occupying plant units. Because of its thickly wooded environment, faster moving mount units, along with aquatic units, will find forest terrain to be more restrictive to their mobility.


Movement Costs: Land (2), Mount (3), Aquatic (3).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Boulder Hurlers, Little Anarchists, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Beast Master, Mythical Siren, Quisling Cockatrice, Stormsworn Highlander, Titanic Troll.
Attacking Into: Unit attacks gain -1 APT vs occupying units.
Attacking From: Unit ranged attacks gain +1 APT vs units.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: None.
Special: None.

Terrain Design: Mountain terrain is designed to provide units with optimal defensive cover against ranged and melee unit attacks. It also provides an offensive bonus to ranged unit attacks due to the higher ground advantage. The rough and sharply sloped terrain limits the mobility of all units, with mount and aquatic units being impacted the most. Mountains provide an excellent tactical advantage to ranged units, and can be quite difficult for opponents to break mountain occupying unit positions. When picking the initial starting location of your war camp, and the logistical path that your marching army should take, mountain terrain should be considered and taken into account.


Movement Costs: Land (1), Mount (1), Aquatic (2).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: None.
Wild Elite Units: None.
Attacking Into: None.
Attacking From: None.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: None.
Special: None.

Terrain Design: The Plains terrain is the default terrain type that typically covers the majority of the game's battle map. This common terrain type offers no special bonuses or penalties, that players must consider. This basic terrain allows players to focus on other elements of combat and unit engagement, reducing the complexity of the decision making process. Given the basic nature of this terrain, and its majority coverage of the battle map, the other terrain types are able to stand-out more as a special-case consideration for players. The only caveat to this basic and simple terrain design is its moderate movement cost for aquatic movement.


Movement Costs: Land (3), Mount (3), Aquatic (1).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Nhang Deceivers, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Amphibious Croakillery, Beast Master, Mythical Siren, Rotting Mermaid, Toad Hermit, Wise Shahmaran.
Attacking Into: None.
Attacking From: Unit melee attacks gain -1 APT vs units.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: Occupying Aquatic units heal 2 HP, or restock 2 squad members.
Special 1: Occupying unit gains thunder vulnerability and fire resistance.
Special 2: Occupying Aquatic units may ignore penalties.

Terrain Design: River terrain is designed as a significant obstacle for army movement, positioning, and logistics. Non-aquatic units will be at a significant disadvantage while moving through and occupying river terrain. Because of this, players should consider utilizing river terrain to their strategic advantage. While river terrain penalizes most units, it offers grant advantages to aquatic units without any undesirable penalties. An ideal tactic is to entrap non-aquatic units onto river terrain, while your aquatic units engage them.


Movement Costs: Ground-to-Sky (2), Sky-to-Sky (1), Sky-to-Ground (1).
Roads: This terrain cannot be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: None.
Wild Elite Units: None.
Attacking Into: Unit ranged attacks gain +1 APT vs occupying units.
Attacking From: None.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: None.
Special: None.

Terrain Design: The Sky terrain is designed as a major and critically important movement and positioning option when engaging in combat. Flying units can move into sky terrain, allowing them to occupy the same vertical space as units occupying the ground below. While flying in the sky, movement costs are reduced because there is no need to navigate through the complex obstacles that makeup ground terrain. This is significant because by default no two units are allowed to occupy the same ground or sky space. By leveraging sky terrain, flying units can participate in key battles when ground space would otherwise not permit. Units flying in the sky cannot be targeted with melee attacks, or other similar abilities, by grounded units. There is a drawback however, units flying in the sky leave themselves exposed to incoming ranged attacks.


Movement Costs: Land (2), Mount (2), Aquatic (2).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Children of the Night, Runic Protectors, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Beast Master, Icesworn Highlander, Pollinating Lyris, Stratus Dragon, Tamed Moonwalker.
Attacking Into: None.
Attacking From: None.
Upkeep: Double the occupying unit's upkeep cost.
End of Turn: Occupying unit takes 1 ice damage.
Special: Occupying unit gains fire and magic resistance, and ice vulnerability.

Terrain Design: The Snowland terrain is designed to penalize occupying units with increased upkeep costs, due to its harsh environmental living conditions. These lands are devoid of mana, which results in granting occupying units resistance to incoming magic damage. Being such a frigid land, incoming fire damage is likewise weakened. However, occupants will receive incoming ice damage when ending their turn on this harsh terrain. Ice damage dealt to occupants is further enhanced by this terrain's penalizing ice vulnerability. It is best keep your units out of the snowlands, unless you have devised an opportunity to exploit its unique characteristics to your benefit.


Movement Costs: Land (2), Mount (3), Aquatic (1).
Roads: This terrain can be enhanced with roads.
Wild Squad Units: Children of the Night, Evasive Vegemen, Nhang Deceivers, Vermin Bombers, Wandering Spirits.
Wild Elite Units: Amphibious Croakillery, Beast Master, Mire Creeper, Toad Hermit, Wise Shahmaran.
Attacking Into: Unit ranged attacks gain -1 APT vs occupying units.
Attacking From: None.
Upkeep: None.
End of Turn: Occupying unit takes 1 death damage.
Special 1: Occupying unit gains death vulnerability, and fire & life resistance.
Special 2: Occupying Aquatic units may ignore penalties.

Terrain Design: Swamp terrain is designed to inhibit the movement, impair ranged combat effectiveness, and reduce survivability of occupying non-aquatic units. Because of its muddy and flooded environment, land and especially mount movement-based units will be slowed down. In general, this terrain is a nuisance to nearly all non-aquatic units. Undead units can benefit from this deathly environment; gaining a healing effect from its end of turn death damage and vulnerability, along with life resistance. In addition, the Rotting Mermaid can further enhance the benefits that swamp terrain provides for undead units. The only universal protection that all units gain from swamp terrain is fire resistance and the defensive cover bonus from incoming ranged attacks.

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